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CloudFlare Reverse proxy, pass-through security, and CDN services

Last updated on February 05, 2024

Reverse proxy, pass-through security, and CDN services

The vast majority of abuse reports that we receive are about websites using our pass-through security, and content distribution network (CDN) services. Cloudflare does not host content through those services, and we cannot remove content from the Internet that we do not host.

Our abuse reporting system is therefore designed to ensure that your report gets to the parties best positioned to address your complaint: the website operator and the hosting provider for the website on which the content is posted. When you submit a report relating to a website using these services, we will take the following steps:

  • Forward your complaint to the website operator and the hosting provider to allow them to take action on it. For some categories of complaints, you can direct us not to forward your complaint to the website operator;
  • Provide the hosting provider with the origin IP address of the content at issue to help them locate it;
  • Depending on the nature of your complaint, respond to you with additional details so that you can follow up as necessary.
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